ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/20

Welcome, welcome, welcome to another daily dose of Atometrix ByteSize where we get nerdy about tech so you don't have to! Oh boy, we've scoured every digital rock and turned every virtual bush to bring you the absolute juiciest updates in the world of AI, low code, and tech. Today, we have an absolute smorgasbord of topics diving headfirst into Microsoft's big AI data oopsie, TikTok's AI detective wizardry, and the race between Google and OpenAI for AI-powered vision. But that's just the tip of the silicon iceberg, folks!

Now, rolling up our digital sleeves and digging into the core of today's tech feast, we're starting to question if Microsoft might need to go to AI rehab after their colossal 38TB leak! Oh Microsoft, you absolute butterfingers! But that's not all, no siree! Google is playing doctor with the Department of Defense to create an AI-powered microscope that can spot cancer cells faster than a cheetah. And over in celebrity AI news, beloved actor Stephen Fry’s voice has been weirdly cloned by some Frankenstein AI. GPT-3 is having a bad hair day while confusing its data, aaaaand... TikTok is teaching its app to sniff out AI-generated videos — say whaaat? Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a byte-sized ride!

Let's now delve into the world of current affairs.
ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/09/20
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