ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2024/01/09

Welcome to Atometrix ByteSize, the podcast for tech enthusiasts craving their daily dose of AI, tech, and low code news, all spiced up with a hint of humour! Today's episode promises to be as diverse and dynamic as the tech world itself, packed with stories from Nvidia's challenges in China to the newest AI developments at Appleā€™s Worldwide Developers Conference. We'll be discussing Intel's Gaudi 2 AI Accelerators, Microsoft's legal battles over AI, and Nvidia's latest conundrum, along with a plethora of innovative coding tools and AI breakthroughs.

Get ready for an exciting journey! We'll explore OpenAI's responsibility in AI development, Intel's impressive Gaudi 2, and the potential of subscription-based AI with Google's Bard Advanced. Plus, we'll dive into Apple's latest AI innovations and take a peek at GitHub's transformative Copilot Chat, all while sipping our tech-flavored coffee. So buckle up for a ride through the twists and turns of the tech world, where every byte is an adventure!
ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2024/01/09
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