ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/16

Welcome to Atometrix ByteSize, your daily tech elixir! Today, we're embarking on an electrifying journey through the world of AI and tech. We'll delve into DeepMind's AI making groundbreaking mathematical discoveries, Instagram's new Backdrop tool for jazzing up your selfies, and the thrilling low code universe where coding skills aren't a barrier to app development.

We're also pondering over OpenAI's investment move with Rain AI, which has tongues wagging about potential collaborations. Plus, Elon Musk is back in the spotlight with his $1 billion quest for his xAI startup, promising more universe-conquering AI antics. And let's not forget our brave souls venturing into low code tech, creating apps without a traditional coding safety net.

So, tune in as we unravel these fascinating developments and more, exploring how AI is not just a game-changer in chess but also in realms like health and app development. Get ready for a deep dive into the latest tech updates, all served up with our signature ByteSize flair!
ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/16
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