ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/05

Gear up for an electrifying episode of Atometrix ByteSize, where we're dishing out the latest and greatest from the tech world! Today, we're zipping through some sensational stories, including OpenAI's daring move to sideline Microsoft from its board, Stability AI's breathtaking text-to-image model SDXL Turbo, and the whimsical world of Amazon's virtual assistant, Q. Get ready to chuckle and gasp as we also ponder Meta AI's CICERO and OpenAI's delayed store launch, along with a trove of innovative AI products that are reshaping our daily lives.

We're kicking off with a glimpse of Google's Gemini – a waiting game that's more suspenseful than your grandma searching for her glasses. Then, we're diving into OpenAI's latest partnership that's stirring up the AI pot, and Amazon's assistant Q, which is having some 'Black Mirror' moments. Plus, don't lose hope yet, low code fans; OpenAI's store launch might just be around the corner in 2024. So, buckle up and join us as we unravel these tech marvels, one byte at a time, on Atometrix ByteSize. Ready, set, tech-off!
ByteSize Daily Wrap - 2023/12/05
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